Thursday 20 March 2014

Spring Happiness here we come!

“Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.” 

~ Hāfez 

Today is the official International Day of Happiness! What better way to celebrate it than by compulsively smiling at everyone like a crazy person. Funnily enough I have a job interview today, not an especially happy event, but one I am determined to do my very best at. Which is all you can do I guess.

Not only is it an extra happy day, it is also the spring equinox (AKA the First Day of Spring!) As the Independent website stated:

During an equinox, the Earth’s north and south poles are not tilted toward or away from the sun. This phenomena occurs twice a year: on 20 March and on 22 September.

English Heritage have confirmed that, weather permitting, Stonehenge will be open from the start of the equinox at 5:45am until 8:30am, to allow Druids and Pagans to gather and see the sun rise above the ancient stones, according the IB Times.

Druids and Pagans will celebrate the ancient Saxon goddess Eostre, who symbolises fertility and new beginnings.

I must confess I have always been curious about what it must be like to watch the sun come up over Stonehenge. I have never fancied the idea of getting up before dawn and driving down to the country to camp outside the hallowed stone circle. It is not that warm enough this time of year for such shenanigans.

Anyway the internet is filled with happy images today. Everyone is producing cartoons and graphics with groups of smiling people. A lot of these themed days appear to be bigger in other countries than the UK. The British seem to have a cynical suspicion of 'National' or 'International' memorial days, except for St.George's Day, Boxing Day and Remembrance Day or any day that might actually warrant an official Bank Holiday and therefore a day off work. We love a day off work! But I like these themed days. I like International Women's Day, International Happiness Day, National Doughnut Day and British Pie Week.

My favourite happy cartoon of the day is from the homeware company Isak. Isak was created by Sandra Isaksson, an illustrator and graphic designer who grew up in Sweden but now lives in the South of England. I love her graphics and over the years have bought mugs, a bread board and cups with her illustrations on them. Her designs just make you smile and there is such a witty liveliness to her style. They also seem quite Scandinavian to me.

So while I was feeling all positive and happy yesterday, I decided to prepare for my interview and then to cook something special for dinner. Nothing like positivity to make you a little hive of activity. I cooked Scrunchy Crunchy Chicken, which is basically a cream chicken, mushroom, bacon and green bean casserole covered in scrunched up filo pastry (great fun to 'scrunch!') and then I proceeded to make puff pastry marzipan heart shaped fruit tarts. The only problem with my cooking (other than the over large quantities I make and all the kitchen implements I use - huge amounts of washing up), is that it looks weird. It tastes good, but looks....well.....weird, as illustrated below:

Nailed it! Almost! Not at all.....
I am never going to be one of those amazing wives that produces cook-book-worthy visual treats. When I have children I will definitely be a 'slummy mummy' rather than a 'yummy mummy.' Ah well, at least my family will have lots of fun sipping hot tea out of Scandinavian Tupperware and eating marzipan tarts while watching the Spring Equinox sun come up over the dancing druids at Stonehenge.....

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but the taste is the same!
    Happy Spring!!!
